Sunday, September 20, 2009

I can't believe it is already time to go home it seems like we just got here. This is going to be hard the next few weeks I hate leaving her.

Raylee wasn't sure what to think of the bottle the first time, but last night she took her first full bottle! It was so cute! She is now 6 lbs 2 oz. I love to just stare at her she is getting so big. She is starting to grow out of some of her preemie clothes.

Raylee has been opening her eyes more and the eye doctors said that everything looks good and they will be back next week to check her again. They will check her every week until the ROP is completely gone then she will only have an exam every two weeks or so until we go home!! They have turned Raylee down again on her vapotherm she is now at 2 1/2 liters. When she gets down to 1-1 1/2 liters they will switch her to low flow cannula which is what she could possibly go home on. She still has some hurdles to overcome before we can think about taking her home but she is doing amazing. We are the luckiest parents!


  1. Such a beautiful moment!

  2. Oh Kyle and Jane she is looking sooo good!!! Thanks for always posting pics and videos it is great to Raylee growing and getting stronger!

    Cody, Gina, and Carson

  3. She is such a big girl! Still a fighter, Love her!

  4. What a smart girl. I am so happy to see that she is drinking on her own. You guys are awesome. Thanks for the up date.
    Love, Valerie

  5. What a BIG girl!!! I love her little chubby cheeks!!!!
