Saturday, August 22, 2009


Raylee was able to get her CPAP off yesterday and she is now on vapotherm!! She is loving it so far. She is really looking around now. It is so cute! She is now up to 4lbs 2 oz.. She is changing so fast. I can't wait for her dad to get back tomorrow and see how much she has changed since Monday when he saw her last. She is still tolerating her feedings well and every time I change her diaper it takes at least two, we are working on that! They have talked about moving her up to the graduate NICU. Up there you can spend more time with them so that is exciting but we are not ready to leave the wonderful nurses that we have grown to love. They assure us that it won't take long to adjust, but I am not sure about that. She still has a long way to go before we are all home, but everyday she amazes us with her progress. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.


Jane & Kyle


  1. She is so beautiful Jane!!! I'm so glad that she is progressing! Sarah is getting a little mad that she don't get to see her niece so I'm sure she is excited about the videos.


  2. Thanks for the video clip. She is doing great. I can't believe how much she is looking around. Moving to a different unit does sound a little scary, but it's a good scary. Now Raylee will just have more people to love and spoil her. I will continue to keep her in my prayers.


  3. She is getting so big. she looks like she is doing awesome, it is great to see the video and new pictures.
    glad all is going well
    take care we think and pray for you often

    Jill, and Brooklyn

  4. How precious! She is doing so well. I hope she will get to come home by her due date (I'm sure you do too). Hang in there and it wont be long until you can start a normal life with your new little family. I also wanted to say that you look amazing. You are glowing even through all the stress! I know you are and will be a great mother and Raylee is very lucky to have you and Kyle.
