Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Raylee is recovering well from surgery. You can see in the photo that they made a small incision on her side/back and went right in-it is amazing what they are able to do! They used glue to put her back together. Amazingly she is doing very well today. They were able to take her off some of her medicines and cut back on others, as well as turn down some settings on her ventilator. That is exciting news for us. She is growing everyday, she is at 2 lbs and 13 3/4 inches. I know that doesn't sound like much but she looks so much bigger to us. While we were in seeing her tonight she was holding her daddy's fingers, it was the cutest. They were able to close her bed when they changed her vent so that has put a damper on the photos. That is ok because they are able to regulate her temperature and humidity so that is better for her!

Hope everyone is well.


  1. She is such a fighter!! I can't believe how much sweet Raylee has changed since the first pictures I saw when we were there. I think about the three of you daily! We are keeping you in our prayers.

  2. Great to see she is gaining weight and getting stronger each day. We've been thinking of you guys and praying for your strength.

  3. What a big miracle Raylee is. She looks like such a big girl in the new photos. Thanks for sharing her with us. Let me know if there is anything you need done at home, just over the hill.

  4. Kyle and Jane,
    That is great news on the weight gain!!! I am so thankful to hear that she came through surgery okay. What a little fighter! Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday!


  5. Kyle and Jane,
    We are glad that she is getting bigger. We think about you guys everyday. We are glad that she came through surgery good. I cannot believe how much bigger she looks this week. That is great!!!! Please let us know if you need anything.

  6. glad to hear she is doing better. she is looking so much bigger. we think about you a lot and brooklyn tells everyone about the tiny baby in the hospital, she tells us all you can not touch her tell she gets bigger...
    our thoughts&prayers are with you all!!!

    Jill, Gary and Brooklyn
